Nasa's new spherex world space telescope for the next week -what you need to know about the search for life beyond the earth

Nasa's new spherex world space telescope for the next week -what you need to know about the search for life beyond the earth

In its next mission, NASA will assign the entire sky in search of the building blocks of life

The concept of this artist shows Spherex and its distinctive conical photon shields
NASA plans to start her next space telescope next week(Picture: NASA/JPL-CALTECH)))

Later this month, NASA plans to start its new space telescope with the name Spherex, which will improve the understanding of the astronomers for the beginning of life on earth.

SPHEREX-DAS for Specro-photometers for the history of the universe, the era of rice sionization and the ICES Explorer stands for key ingredients for life in our galaxy.

It will start on board a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket, in which the NASA punch mission in tow -satellites that will study solar wind to better understand the sun, wind and earth as a connected system.

On Friday (February 21), the space agency announced that NASA and SpaceX will not target ESt on Friday, February 28th, ESt (3:09 a.m.). Spherex and Punch are picked up by a starting point on the Vandenberg Space Force Base in California, USA.

The Spherex Observatory is located in a clean room according to environmental tests in Bae Systems in Boulder, Colorado, at the end of 2024.
Scientists will use the telescope to examine what the first fraction of a second one happened after the big bang(Picture: NASA/JPL-CALTECH/BAE systems)))

What will spherex search?

According to NASA, “the Spherex mission will improve our understanding of what happened in the first second after the big bang and search for important ingredients for life in our galaxy.”

But what does that mean? During his two -year mission, Spherex will map the universe and two types of light: optical light that is visible to the human eye, and the infrared that humans can only recognize as heat.

Infrared energy can uncover objects in the universe that, according to NASA, cannot be seen in visible light using optical telescopes. For this reason, the most powerful telescope of mankind, James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) of NASA, during her mission, has revealed things that astronomers have never seen, such as a spectacular, invisible star collection and recently a mysterious “cosmic fireworks exhibition” .

Spherex 'orbital level (orange) and its field of vision (green)
Spherex 'orbital level (orange) and its field of vision (green)(Picture: NASA/JPL-CALTECH)))

The Spherex world space telescope will depict everything in the sky, so that the limits for what is looking for are endless. In contrast to JWST, which can only see 40 percent of the sky in a position, it will introduce the entire sky as they can be seen from the earth, and potentially reveals the things that James Webb does not have.

“A snapshot with JWST is like a photo of one person,” said Shawn Domagal-Goldman, reigning director of the Astrophysics Division at the NASA headquarters, reporters on January 31. In the panorama mode when you want to catch a large group of people and the things standing behind or around them. “

What could reveal Spherex?

The ambitious mission will sit in the Low -Earth or 450 million galaxies and more than 100 million stars in our Milky Way in our Milky Way, says NASA. By analyzing the light that these heavenly objects give, Spherex tries to uncover the origins of the universe, the formation of galaxies and the presence of essential ingredients such as water and organic molecules.

The NASA scientists recently discovered the building blocks for life, minerals and organic compounds on samples that were drawn from an asteroid called Bennu. Maybe we could expect more from where that came from SPHEREX 'mission.

The mission will search for these essential building blocks in outstanding nurseries, regions in which stars from gas and dust are born, as well as windows around stars in which new planets could form.

According to NASA, Spherex will examine the entire sky every six months to create a card with a color resolution that exceeds all other sky cards generated by space telescopes.

“His all-sky card will help scientists to answer important questions why the large-scale structure of the universe looks like it does, how it does, form galaxies and develop, as well as the origins and abundance of water and other important ingredients for Life in our galaxy “The Nasa Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) wrote.

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