The community invites the community to a check presentation at the Burr Family Cemetery, Home Depot Shopping Center, 5025 Jericho Turnpike, on Friday, March 21, at 11:30 p.m.
The city council of Huntington, Sal Ferro, and the Ferro Foundation will provide a generous donation of 5,000 US dollars to the paws of the war, a non -profit organization of 501 (C), to support the Burr Family Cemetery Restoration Project. This initiative will help keep an important piece of the history of our community and at the same time honor those who rest at this historical site.

Veterans in the war of 1812.
This important project honors the memory of two war of 1812 veterans, which were put to rest there and at the same time preserved an important piece of local history.
The restoration efforts listed by the wars include the installation of a new fence, the landscape design, the reset and the exchange of tombstones, a new flag mast, a picnic area and an information plot to clarify visitors about the historical importance of the cemetery.
“The Burr Family Cemetery is part of the history of Huntington, and it is an honor for me to support the spots of war in their incredible work in order to restore and maintain this location,” said City Councilor Sal Ferro. “This project ensures that the victims of those who served our country are never forgotten and at the same time create a space for the community to think about our past.”
The war paws, which are generally recognized for their work in the rescue and training of dogs for veterans and first aiders, has expanded their mission to record and support those who have served. Her commitment to restoring the Burr Family Cemetery family underlines her commitment to maintain the heritage of American veterans.
“This restoration is about respect, memory and sure that the story is not lost in time,” said[Warwriewwerewitoskwwere””Weinddemstdatferroundderrro-FoundationfortheSupportfortheSupport[Pawsofwarrevresentomronayne“WeareinCrediblygratefultigoCilmanferroandtheferrofoundentrörgeneroSupportinmakinghispossible””[RepräsentantindesKriegswesensTomRonayne”WirsinddemStadtratFerroundderFerro-StiftungfürihregroßzügigeUnterstützungbeiderErmöglichungunglaublichdankbar”[PawsofWarRepresentativeTomRonayne“WeareincrediblygratefultoCouncilmanFerroandTheFerroFoundationfortheirgeneroussupportinmakingthispossible”
The restoration project is expected to be completed in the coming months and will offer a new space in which the community can honor and get to know local heroes, which played a role in the design of the history of our nation. A ceremony for cutting tapes is scheduled to take place this summer.
Further information on war paws and your initiatives can be found at